Friday, 8 April 2011

What I do

My specialist area is printmaking and I have worked in all the major processes - etching, screenprinting, lithography and relief printing.  For the past few years I've been concentrating on making woodcuts.
Alongside the printmaking, I find that drawing and photography are central to my practice. As you can imagine paper is a material I love using and I know quite a lot about it.

Increasingly I like to make Artist's Books where I design and create the book structure as well as the content. I particularly enjoy working with the concertina format because you can stretch it out and see all the pages at the same time or stand it up to make a sculptural object. A concertina book is great for telling the story of a journey, the sights, sounds and experiences along the way, so will be an ideal medium for  conveying my ideas about the Watershed landscape as I go on my long walks between the reservoirs.

At this early stage in the residency I'm not entirely sure what I will be producing for the exhibition at Cliffe Castle with writer Char in September, but I know that hand-made unique books will feature.  My main aim at the beginning is a blitz of experimention with materials, in my studio and more importantly, out in the landscape.

Here's a mini book I made a while ago called 'Tumbling'.  The artwork originated in a series of woodcut prints that have subsequently been layered digitally. The 'story' is simply the idea of being up on the moor on a late summer's afternoon and rolling down hill through the long blonde grass.

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